I consider contractors to be professionals. After all, they are often paid substantial sums to do what some consider the impossible. They need to be licensed. They are trusted with keys to homes and businesses and often have access sensitive materials and valuable objects. It's too bad that the reality is that they often come across as flaky and unreliable.

I'll hear from him on Monday because he's done this before. I also have not paid him in full. Never EVER pay for everything upfront. That way you have some leverage over the contractor. An upfront deposit is fine so they can buy materials, but pre-paying in full is a huge mistake.
I also had to fire our new electrician. He came highly recommended and I was very impressed with him when we walked the job together. However, during the time he was working on the house last week, he suffered some kind of breakdown. I received a very disturbing, agitated call from him having nothing to do with his work. I was also alerted by a neighbor that he was pestering other workers on a project across the street. Not wanting to wait for a third strike, I decided it was best to move quickly and let him go. I wish him the best and hope he gets the help he needs.
It's never easy or pleasant to fire anyone, but I need to be concerned for the safety of my neighbors as well as the other people working on the job. Locks were changed and a new locking side gate installed.
Like all of us, each contractor has their own baggage. Its important to do your best to communicate with them often, as well as show up at the jobsite unannounced. Its also important to realize that no schedule is set in stone and dates will change. Also, a renovation is a collaboration, not a dictatorship, so drop any notion that you as a client have the right to disrespect your contractors. That doesn't mean you can't be angry and let them know your frustration when things go wrong or deadlines are ignored. Just keep the lines of communication open.
Contractors need to remember that they are providing a service, and that includes "customer service". Contractors need to realize the importance of communication as well, and that it is far better for a client to hear bad news from the contractor instead of finding it out for themselves without an explanation. Communication can only increase the credibility of the contractor. Finally the old addage of "under-promise and over-deliver" is crucial for the client/contractor relationship.
Cliche but true, working with contractors can be like herding cats...just be prepared for the unexpected and be flexible. Keep a sense of humor as you use the broom (or club) to guide the cats to the finish line.
Now, about breakdowns....I have no guidance on that. Sometimes even when you go with a great recommendation and a good gut feeling, you get surprises!
The good news for the week is that the kitchen has been gutted and the construction debris removed (thanks Reggie!). I'm happy to report that the old appliances will be recycled. I also got a solid recommendation for a new electrician as well as a new contact for flooring.
And the adventure continues!